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IOS 이미지 해상도

by 대소니 2013. 3. 2.

iOS 개발시에 참고해야 하는 이미지 해상도 정보입니다.

파일 포맷은 App icon과 Launch image는 PNG여야 하고, 그외에는 PNG, JPG 모두 가능하다고 합니다.

원본 iOS dev document 링크


Size for iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation)

Size for high-resolution iPhone and iPod touch

Size for iPhone and iPod touch

Size for high-resolution iPad

Size for iPad


App icon (required for all apps)

114 x 114

114 x 114

57 x 57

144 x 144

72 x 72

“App Icons”

App icon for the App Store (required for all apps)

1024 x 1024 (recommended)

1024 x 1024 (recommended)

512 x 512

1024 x 1024 (recommended)

512 x 512

“App Icons”

Launch image (required for all apps)

640 x 1136

640 x 960

320 x 480

1536 x 2008 (portrait)

2048 x 1496 (landscape)

768 x 1004 (portrait)

1024 x 748 (landscape)

“Launch Images”

Small icon for Spotlight search results and Settings (recommended)

58 x 58

58 x 58

29 x 29

100 x 100 (Spotlight search results)

58 x 58 (Settings)

50 x 50 (Spotlight search results)

29 x 29 (Settings)

“Small Icons”

Web clip icon (recommended for web apps and websites)

114 x 114

114 x 114

57 x 57

144 x 144

72 x 72

“Web Clip Icons”

Toolbar and navigation bar icon (optional)

Approximately 40 x 40

Approximately 40 x 40

Approximately 20 x 20

Approximately 40 x 40

Approximately 20 x 20

“Icons for Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars”

Tab bar icon (optional)

Approximately 60 x 60

Approximately 60 x 60

Approximately 30 x 30

Approximately 60 x 60

Approximately 30 x 30

“Icons for Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars”

Default Newsstand cover icon for the App Store (required for Newsstand apps)

At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge

At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge

At least 512 pixels on the longest edge

At least 1024 pixels on the longest edge

At least 512 pixels on the longest edge

“Newsstand Icons”
